Hisashiburi Minasan~
好久不見我的cooking blog.這半年忙著生小孩養小孩, 最近終於有時間尋找到有興趣新recipe來試試看.要不然都被我女兒的乾媽笑說我憑那幾招混了10幾年...
這個cheesecake 包含了本人最愛的cheese以及nuts所以很值得一試, 結果也還不賴.
1 1/2 cup finely chopped almonds and walnuts
2 tbsp sugar
50g butter
Filling (我是做比原始recipe少一半的cheese)
500g cream cheese
1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 tbsp corn flour(原始recipe是plain flour,但是我為了想做gluten free的蛋糕又一時家裡沒有gluten free plain flour, so I used gluten free cor flour instead)
2 large eggs
1/2 cup sour cream
1 shot of espresso coffee (1/2 tbsp of instant coffee powder)
(1/8 tsp of ground cinnamon -我不愛cinnamon所以沒有放)
Thickened cream
Drinking Chocolate Powder (Original recipe是說Coffee beans,但我家沒有阿, 既然cappuccino也時有撒chocolate的就用chocolate powder取代吧~)
chop chop chop~ or you can use an electric grinder |
2. Combine nuts, sugar, and butter, press onto bottom of 23 cm springform tin. Bake for 10 minutes, remove from oven to allow to cool.
烤出來的base |
3. Combine Cream cheese, sugar, and flour, mix with electric mixer ( on medium speed) until well blended. Add eggs one at a time, mix well after each addition. Blend in sour cream.
4. The original recipe dissolves the instant coffee and cinnamon into 1/8 cup of hot water, allow to cool before slowly adding into the cheese mixture. But I used the espresso machine at home, a shot is abit more than 1/8 cup.
Pour the cooled coffee(cinnamon) into the cheese mixture, blend well, pour the mixture over the nut base.
Blending coffee into the cream cheese mix |
Bake in 230C for 6~7 minutes Then reduce to 120 C for 30 minutes (If using original recipe volume then need to bake for an hour) |
烤出來的樣子...不是特別漂亮 還好可以用whipped cream cover up |
Sour cream原來有著舉足輕重的效果阿~ |
特別把家裡最漂亮的盤子拿出來照相 XD~ |